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Our focus is on metal fabrication and with the industry partnerships we have established with numerous sponsors, including Patton Engineering and One Foundation, our workshop is well equipped and resourced.


Our recent addition of eight new MIG welders, 4mm plate roller and guillotine are put to good use on a daily basis along with milling, lathing and advanced fabrication techniques. We prepare students, interested in Engineering, with the necessary skills to move into an apprenticeship and career in Engineering.


All courses are taught to Competenz standards and all senior students also receive quality fabrication tutoring from professional industry based Engineers. We are working towards equipping our workshop with the latest technologies and want to expose the students to the same machinery and tools they would work with in industry.


After completing Year 11, Level 1 

Engineering L2 

Design Technology L2, Achievement Standards course leading to UE 

Pre-trade EIT courses L2. Leave school and attend EIT Fulltime 

Trades Academy L2 courses on Fridays at EIT, while still attending school 


Other L2 courses at EIT or elsewhere 

After completing Year 12, Level 2 

Design Technology L3, Achievement Standards course leading to UE 

Pre-trade EIT courses L2 / L3. Attend EIT fulltime 

Trades Academy L3 courses on Fridays at EIT, while attending school 

Leave school and start an Apprenticeship 

Other L3 courses at EIT or elsewhere 

Leave school and look for work 


Engineering is not offered at school in Year 13. 

If you are serious about a career in the Engineering Trades you need to: 


1. Find and start an Apprenticeship after Y12 

2. Enroll for the Pre-Trade L3 Engineering course at EIT fulltime which might also lead to an Apprenticeship. 


Attending Design Technology in Year 13 might allow you to study at 


University / EIT towards a Diploma or Degree 

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